At my job as a financial writer, our company decided to
upgrade our email system, and they started a shit storm that saw some people,
including high-ranking editors who supervise multiple publications, go days
without any email access whatsoever.
Only a few days later, Knight Capital
themselves when a software malfunction caused them to buy shitloads of
stocks they didn’t mean to. Their CEO asked the SEC for a “do-over” as if they
were playing a game of tag. His request was promptly denied. They managed to
survive only by agreeing to sell themselves only a few days later.
Knight Capital went hat in hand to beg for its life because
of a software glitch. Although it is not as large as the major banks and lacks
the same widespread name recognition, Knight was not some rinky-dink firm. It
is a major trader and underwriter and if they can have a software glitch put
them in jeopardy of losing their entire business, how much at risk are the rest
of us? How quickly could we lose the money in our bank accounts as a result of
The Facebook IPO, the most highly anticipated IPO in years,
fell victim to software glitches that will end up costing NASDAQ millions of
dollars. This after repeated tests and run-throughs that were supposed to
guarantee trading go smoothly.
In this advanced age of computers, the technology proficient
sometimes can’t get any more specific than “glitch.” We are dependent on the
world of Internet Technology to help us survive in the modern world. But in the
IT field; even the experts don’t know what’s going on.
Also, cyber warfare is going to heat up soon. As exposed by
New York Times, the U.S., and
a cyber attack on Iranian computers using the
virus. In a kick-ass, classy touch, the virus has apparently caused Iranian
government computers to play the AC-DC song “
Thunderstruck” (I would
have gone for “
Dirty Deeds
Done Dirty Cheap,” but that’s a personal bias). The Chinese and the
Russians have hacked away at many of our systems and every once in a while a
virus comes through that knackers scores of computers.
As we become more enamored with technology and dependent on
it for our daily lives, we become diminished in capacities we used to take for
granted. I used to be able to remember a woman’s phone number quite easily and
dial it with lightning speed from any phone. Now I’ve been in a relationship
with a woman for two years and I can’t remember her phone number to save my
life (she can’t remember mine either).
It’s almost enough to
make you become a Luddite and
start making plans to retreat into the woods and learn to live off the land
like the people who built this country, the pioneers who had only their own
scrappy wits to survive. Teddy Roosevelt never had to languish in phone queue
hell only to be told by a disembodied voice from India that he had to delete
his cookies. Doc Holiday never had to download an app to do his work, he just
started blasting.
The pioneers who conquered the West had many things to fear,
and there were many things they couldn’t control. They didn’t have any say over
the weather or how hostile the Indian tribes would be. But those were more
tangible things you could light a fire or take up a musket against. Many us
today depend on technology and if things go wrong our salvation won’t be our
own tools or the sweat of our own brow but the whims and competence of a
technical support agent on the other side of the globe. Technology is a
wonderful thing, but it has helped neuter us as a people.
Technology is one of several things turning us into mush, but we can’t retreat
from it. That would be the cowards’ way out. Luddites who purposely refuse
technology are not to be applauded; they are stubborn people who think they are
too important to make themselves useful and expect the world to conform to
their whims. That’s weak.
And technology makes many more adventures and conquests possible.
At the same time the Knight debacle was unfolding, another
space probe landed on Mars. The probe’s
photos were not very exciting to look at and seemed to only confirm that indeed
Mars is a desolate place that has deserts even more boring than ours on Earth.
But, every mission to Mars is an achievement in exploration in itself and we
can pat technology on the back for that.
We need to embrace technology, but as the Knight episode
demonstrates, we're a long way from using it well. So let’s please get a handle
on it before it manhandles us.