The latest ‘Notes from a Polite New Yorker’ column is now up on the Kotori Web site. Please read it and leave comments.
The column concerns the multitudes of performers, paupers and preachers who take advantage of the fact that subway riders cannot easily or legally leave New York City subway cars while in transit. It lists the kinds of people you should never give money to on the subway and includes a few people you should be generous towards if you can afford it.
Soon we may pay more for the privealige of riding more crowded subway cars that will arrive less frequently. The MTA may increase the ride of a single fare to $3 from $2 and also increase the costs of the discounted Metrocards that many regular New York commuters use to get to work. New York State budget shortfalls promise steep spending cuts everywhere. So the MTA has proven that poor service is its most reliable attribute.
Good dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
Opulently I agree but I dream the brief should prepare more info then it has.
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