Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow Owns the Park

New York City was hit with the brunt of the latest snowstorm to hit the Northeastern U.S., and few people seem to mind. We all want snow around the holidays, and in the northernmost regions of Manhattan, the snow turns Inwood Hill Park into a winter wonderland.

I set out to hole myself up in my apartment like a mad hermit this weekend, and for the most part I have, but I was compelled to get outdoors this morning and take photos of Inwood Hill Park, a beautiful park that is made even more beautiful when it shows. When the park is blanketed with snow is when the park is at its best and most peaceful and beautiful.

New York City got about a foot of snow, and it was slow going slogging up the hill across the street from my apartment, but it was worth it for the peaceful walk in the woods. The park was far from deserted, and it was great to see one of the hills become a Mecca of snow sledding for kids from the neighborhood. This snow is also perfect for both snowball fighting and snowman building. It’s good to see those traditions being kept alive as well in the park.

Seven years ago, a snowstorm on Christmas Day felled several trees on Payson Avenue, which damaged several cars and closed the street for a bit. While this snowstorm was heavy, it was nothing like that, and while the snow is piled up pretty nicely in a few places, it is not the disaster I think some people thought it would be.

So unless you’re deathly ill or somehow incapacitated go out and enjoy the snow.

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