Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bring on the Autumn

You can feel and taste the encroaching fall, and I’m ready for it. I can’t stand the summer heat, especially in the city. There are too many people and buildings and busses around to make summer pleasant in the city. Everyone does what they can to take a break and leave the city in the summer. You need to, just for your own sanity. This week has been nice and not too hot, almost spring-like in its temperature. Tomorrow it is supposed to be back in the 90s, the city summer we all know and dislike.

                I make a point to try to go for a short walk every afternoon on my lunch break. I take too long to walk through the parks, gawk behind my sunglasses at the scantily-clad tourist women babbling in their European languages, enjoy the view of the harbor, or just walk through the park for the satisfaction of walking through the park when I’m supposed to be behind a desk. Too often I take the same path though. It becomes too routine when you take the same path every day. I need to switch things up, maybe go by the water more and look out at the harbor and enjoy the breeze.

            Sunsets are better this time of year. There’s a brilliant blue-maroon hue to the twilight that doesn’t appear the same in the other seasons. It is those transitional times that are the most brilliant, the most poetic. The blue night that gives way to the dawn and the pre-sun dawn are the most beautiful times to be awake, even if you’re bleary-eyed and tired.

            Once we get through tomorrow, I’m hoping we can say goodbye to 90-degree weather for the rest of the year. There’s usually at least one bad Indian summer (or is that Native American Summer, is that also racist too?) in September, one last lash of the cruel sun before the comfort of a cool autumn. 

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